- ensure basic health care in poor areas of the world, with particular reference to surgery problems and social health
- train local staff to meet medical and surgical needs
- implement programs of health education in the short and medium term in poor areas of the world
- provide for the selection, training and employment of local staff
- provide on-site training of the citizens of the countries in poor areas of the world
- promote training activities and hospitality of local healthcare professionals to remote areas of the world at Italian structures
- promote the development of health facilities in poor areas of the world and organize their administration
- carry out, through its members, health activities in poor areas of the world and in Italy in favor of disadvantaged people
The penetration and integration between different cultures has enriched the exchange of knowledge among local people who came in contact. Every manifestation of human search, from the sciences to the arts, from politics to economics, from discovery of the disease in their care, to the welfare culture has had among the Mediterranean people finest development and implementation.
Starting from these premises, the Association is committed to not miss the historical heritage of medicine and to invest in the younger generation so that they study them, respect him and develop. The association aims to promote cooperation between Institutions and Medical Organizations in the countries concerned to improve the living conditions of the pople from birth to ageing. To achieve these objectives, the Association will accept any human and technological contribution to support existing structures and develop telemedicine dedicated to training, consultation and support. Assistance is intended both traditional and advanced, supported by the creation of local and international points connected via Internet and Space from the elementary to the advanced models involving operators.
The Association is the proponent of the projectn Floating Mobile Hospital (FMH), which will be described below.

- organization of training events, including through instrumentation of distance learning and telemedicine
- organization of specific events and participation at conferences
- organization of medical and surgical missions and humanitarian work in Africa
The hospital will in fact be equipped with the latest generation devices for diagnosis: CT, general RX, mammography, ultrasound and teeth ortho panoramic. The project, named FMH (Floating Mobile Hospital) is based on the construction of a naval unit on the multihulls catamaran of 99 feet long, 45 feet wide and 48 high. The FMH will be set up as an original hospital equipped with: a space for the first aid, operating theatre and plaster, delivery and newborn care, diagnostic imaging and laboratory area for analysis in the hulls and first deck.
The second deck will be largely dedicated for sanitary and crew staff daily meeting and outside students for local and at a distance training with the telemedicine support.
For the development of the project the Association MED E MED Onlus has already held many meetings and field visits to verify the feasibility of the project and the availability of local support. Below some of most important technical and sanitary missions aimed at the FMH development.
- February/March2008: health and humanitarian mission in Tanzania and contacts for the development of the project FMH with the institutions of the country
- August 2008: health and humanitarian mission in Tanzania. It was the preparatory phase of the project FMH
- April/May 2009: presentation of the project at the Muhimbili National Hospital and Bugando Hospital in Mwanza and meeting at Songoro Boat Yard in Mwanza
- January 2011: humanitarian mission in Tanzania and sanitary premises and conclusion of agreements for the project FMH From 2011 are made about 30 presentations of the project to organizations, associations and local and national Institutions
Luigi Gentilini: Author and MED E MED Onlus President, Roma
Claudio Anconitani: Administrator MED E MED Onlus, Roma
Stefano Loghi: Scientific Director MED E MED Onlus, Roma
Francesca Dominici: Tor Vergata Roma University
Francesco Guarnieri : Surgery expert, Clinica Guarnieri Roma
Sergio Dolzi: Documentation advice MED E MED Onlus Roma
Vincenzo Martines: Ammiraglio ris. Isp. Capo Sanità Militare, Roma
Vincenzo Campo: Mayor in Charge of Pantelleria
Michele Paradiso: Medical Doctor ACISMOM Rome
Vincenzo Palmieri: Nat. Coordinator Forum Energy and Society, Roma
Vincenzo Palmieri: Nat. Coordinator Forum Energy and Society, Roma
Giovanni Rasile: Economic advice, Roma
Giangaleazzo Tesei: Business consultancy, Roma
Laura Michelini: Technical strategy support, Roma
Domenico Barilari/Enrico Mordacchini: Multimedia Support, Roma
Matteo Barilari/Valerio Perrotta: Web Design, Roma
Alessandro Cantini: Sail & Motor Design. Brescia, Italy
Amelio Nicola Schiavo: Skipper and tecnical advice, Anzio, Italy
Songoro Marine Transport Boatyard, Mwanza, Tanzania
MED E MED Onlus Medicina e Mediterraneo
Via Pio IX n. 25 – Bagni di Tivoli 00011